MD Candle Lamp

Get this lamp as a nice addition for your indoor or outdoor decoration for your Christmas scenes and not only. Merry Christmas from MikeD

Supported FBMs and PBMs

(Category: Scripts, Content Creation, Making outfit’s FBMs, FHMs and PBMs) (Difficulty: Easy, PAs, Content Creators) Are you a content creator and you are making any kind of outfits? Did you ever take a piece of outfit back for correction, from the QA, because you had forgotten to support a figure (FBM, FHM or PBM)? Do … Continue Reading

We are back

After a long period of reprogramming the site … we are back … My site was reconstructed for almost a month (mid August – mid September) and now it is back on line … The main structure of the site is almost the same, and some new features have been added, like this ‘news’ section. … Continue Reading

Daz Studio Lock Camera

(Category: Scene) Here you can find the ‘Lock Camera’ Script for DAZ 3D Studio. There are many times that you have accidentally change the angle of the active camera in a scene, believing that you were on perspective or some other camera view. Lock your camera position and unlock it, with a simple click on … Continue Reading