A picture is worth a thousand words! In deed! In the section “Photography” you can find a lot of free images grouped in subcategories:


Here you will find photos from the Macro-photography!

macro photography


Here are some nice collections of my Landscape images! The majority of the images are HDR images.


Landscape, Parthenonas, Greece, Συλλογές Τοπίου








Here are my portrait collections! They were taken in my home studio or in site!

portraits photography

Note! All portraits images in this section are Copyrighted Protected! You cannot use any of these images without the permission of the photographer (Mike Dedes) and the person’s in the image permission!


3D Tutorials

This section contains tutorials about 3D. In the “Common User” section you can find useful tips and tutorials on DAZ Studio. These tutorials are addressing to the common user of DAZ Studio. In the “Advanced” section you can find tutorials, tips and workflows for 3D Creators and especially for DAZ PAs. Of course any advanced user can use them, if he makes his own 3D objects. for 3D Creators or PAs of DAZ Studio.

Common User





A 3D gallery of my work (mostly images), that I have rendered with LuxRender (Reality plugin) and Iray in DAZ 3D! Here are the best of my 3D Products’ promos and the best of my fun renders. You can use freely any image from these galleries, witch are under the CC attribution.

Fun Renders

Products’ Renders