Portrait! The reflection of a person. It might be a face, the expression, the eyes, the smile, the body movement, the wrinkles that passing of time left behind, each one of them individually or as a whole. A person gives life to an empty scene, in commercial, in fashion, in a landscape, in urban life, in photo-reportage and so many other types of photography. It declares the state of society, or even passes messages! It shows the happiness, the sorrow, the joy, the sadness of the human soul!

Here are my portrait collections, divided into thematic unities! They were taken in my home studio or in site!

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All material in this section, are copyright (c) protected. This means that you are NOT allowed to download and use the material, in any way! You can share the page as it is! All rights reserved to the creator (and to the models/actors of each image if the material is an image or video).