Create Symmetrical Bone

  (Category: Scripts, Content Creation, Rigging) (Difficulty: Novice, PAs, Content Creators) This is a free script for DAZ Studio that allows you to create a symmetrical bone in the X,Y or Z axis. Select an existing bone and execute the script. It will popup a dialog to let you set the name, the label, the … Continue Reading

Export Follower for each Favorite

(Category: Scripts, Content Creation, Making outfit’s FBMs, FHMs and PBMs) (Difficulty: Advanced, PAs, Content Creators) With this free script you can fire each favorite property on a figure, one by one, in DAZ Studio and then export the follower to the HD. It is extremely useful for outfit creators. You can set some favorite characters, … Continue Reading

Fire Favorites

(Category: Scripts, Content Creation, Making outfit’s FBMs, FHMs and PBMs) (Difficulty: Easy, PAs, Content Creators) With this free script you can fire to 100% all favorites properties, one by one, in a selected figure in DAZ Studio and then bring them back to 0%. It is extremely useful for outfit creators. You can set some … Continue Reading

Property button controls the visibility of a Follow Rigid Node

(Category: Content Creation, Making outfits, Rigging) (Difficulty: Advanced, PAs, Content Creators) (DAZ Studio: Hi all… Today I am going to show you an older tutorial (I transferred it into my site) about using a button in a cloth item of DAZ Studio, in order to control the visibility of a Rigid Follow Node as … Continue Reading

Transfer Utility from Custom Pose

DAZ Studio: Category: Rigging Level: Easy   Hi all… Today I am going to show you a mini tutorial (most of a tip) about using the transfer utility in DAZ Studio, in order to rig a wearable that is not created in the original Genesis pose.   Let say I want to make some … Continue Reading

Delete Selected Bones

(Category: Scripts, Content Creation, Rigging) (Difficulty: Easy, PAs, Content Creators) Hello DAZ creators … I made this script to delete at once all the selected bones of a wearable rigged item or from a figure. With DAZ’s delete bone function we use to delete one bone at a time. No more… with this script you … Continue Reading

pJCM ERC-Keyed

(Category: Scripts, Content Creation, Rigging) (Difficulty: Advanced, PAs, Content Creators) Hi DAZers … With the “Set up custom pJCM ERC-Keyed morph” script you can set up instantly a pJCM or any morph you want for a custom rotation.   Instructions: 1 – Set the figure’s node custom rotation to the desired value (you can have … Continue Reading